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Семена высокоурожайного подсолнечника "SKY SUN" (USA, CANADA)


Sunflower seeds SKYSUN CLEARFIELD.

The period of maturation is 100-125 days.

This type of hybrid is common in almost all regions of Mongolia.

The height of the hybrid is 170-180 cm, the color basket is flat 21-23 s, with the slope slightly downward. The basket is light yellow, the seeds are large and saturated.

Productivity 67 c / ha

Hybrids of sunflower seeds contain 50-60% of the oil. Profitable yield of 67c / ha, average yield 40t / ha. The root system is strong, branched.

The hybrid tolerates immunity to strongly arid summer periods, to lodging and shedding is stable. Has a strong protection before phomosis, fomopsis, rust, powdery mildew

Sunflower seeds SKYSUN (CLEARFIELD) Canada.

Sunflower seeds SKYSUN CLEARFIELD.

The period of maturation is 100-125 days.

This type of hybrid is common in almost all regions of Mongolia.

The height of the hybrid is 170-180 cm, the color basket is flat 21-23 s, with the slope slightly downward. The basket is light yellow, the seeds are large and saturated.

Productivity 67 c / ha

Hybrids of sunflower seeds contain 50-60% of the oil. Profitable yield of 67c / ha, average yield 40t / ha. The root system is strong, branched.

The hybrid tolerates immunity to strongly arid summer periods, to lodging and shedding is stable. Has a strong protection before phomosis, fomopsis, rust, powdery mildew


Semințe de floarea-soarelui SKYSUN (CLEARFIELD).

Semințe de floarea-soarelui SKYSUN CLEARFIELD.

Perioada de maturare este de 100-125 de zile.

Acest tip de hibrid este comun în aproape toate regiunile din Mongolia.

Înălțimea hibridului este de 170-180 cm, coșul de culoare este plat 21-23 s, cu panta ușor în jos. Coșul este galben deschis, semințele sunt mari și saturate.

Productivitate 67 c / ha

Hibrizii de semințe de floarea-soarelui conțin 50-60% din ulei. Randament profitabil de 67c / ha, randament mediu 40t / ha. Sistemul rădăcină este puternic, ramificat.

Hibridul tolerează imunitatea la perioadele de vară puternice și aride, iar depunerea și vărsarea sunt stabile. Are o protecție puternică înainte de fomoză, fomopsis, rugină, mucegai praft


Napraforgómag SKYSUN (CLEARFIELD).


Az érlelés időtartama 100-125 nap.

Ez a típusú hibrid közös Mongóliában szinte minden régióban.

A hibrid magassága 170-180 cm, a színkosár lapos 21-23 s, a lejtés kissé lefelé. A kosár világos sárga, a magok nagyok és telítettek.

Termelékenység 67 c / ha

A napraforgómag hibridjei az olaj 50-60% -át tartalmazzák. Nyereséges hozam 67 c / ha, átlagos hozam 40 t / ha. A gyökérrendszer erős, elágazó.

A hibrid elviseli az erősen száraz nyári időszakokra való immunitást, a befogadás és az elöntés stabil. Erős védelmet nyújt a fomózis, a fomopszis, a rozsda, a lisztharmat megelőzése előt


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